Do You Need Therapy? Take the Quiz.

Do You Need Therapy? Take the Quiz.

While an online quiz can’t truly give you a definitive answer of whether or not your symptoms might be something more, we’ve designed THIS quiz to connect you with a real, licensed therapist who will interpret your answers PERSONALLY to give you some more insight into what you’re feeling right now.

All of your answers are private and confidential. Once we receive your answers, we will personally respond to you.

[contact-form to=”” subject=”Therapy Quiz from Stephen Rodgers Counseling “][contact-field label=”I am concerned about a feeling, behavior, or something I am doing/done.” type=”radio” options=”Not at all,Just a little,Somewhat,Moderately,Very much”][contact-field label=”This behavior or feeling has been getting worse in the past two weeks.      ” type=”radio” options=”Not at all,Just a little,Somewhat,Moderately,Very much”][contact-field label=”I have attempted to stop or reduce this behavior or feeling on my own.” type=”radio” options=”Not at all,Just a little,Somewhat,Moderately,Very much”][contact-field label=”My attempts at stopping or reducing this behavior or feeling have been successful.” type=”radio” options=”Not at all,Just a little,Somewhat,Moderately,Very much”][contact-field label=”I rely on my friends or family to help me with my current problems.” type=”radio” options=”Not at all,Just a little,Somewhat,Moderately,Very much”][contact-field label=”Recently, I am finding it more difficult to cope with things than usual.” type=”radio” options=”Not at all,Just a little,Somewhat,Moderately,Very much”][contact-field label=”I find that I am having trouble concentrating at work and/or school.” type=”radio” options=”Not at all,Just a little,Somewhat,Moderately,Very much”][contact-field label=”My friends and family have suggested I seek therapy” type=”radio” options=”Yes,No”][contact-field label=”I have talked to my family doctor or healthcare professional about the behavior or feeling that%26#039;s troubling me.” type=”radio” options=”Yes,No”][contact-field label=”First Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][/contact-form]

Thank you for taking the Therapy Quiz. We will get back to you shortly. In the meantime, feel free to read up on our blog and learn more about our practice here. We’ll be with you shortly.

If you are experiencing an emergency contact 911 right away. If you would like to book an appointment, please call us at 720-295-4233 or click below for the fastest scheduling and service. Click here or below to begin.

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