Difficult Bosses: A Man’s Survival Guide

The sheer nature of boss-employee relationship, regardless of how laid-back it might be, guarantees that there will be at least some friction and tension. The boss, in essence, needs you to do some work for them and has a spectrum of tools to use in getting what they want out of you. This will always cause strain, that’s just how it is. Work-related stress falls under the top five life pressures for the majority of working people. (more…)

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Attachment Styles: The Key to Forming Healthy Relationships

In our previous blog Attachment Styles and How We Relate to Otherswe talked about four main ways in which we tend to form our relationships and try to satisfy our emotional needs 

  • secure
  • preoccupied
  • fearful-avoidant
  • dismissing-avoidant


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