How (Not) to Cope with a Breakup

Regardless of how many times a breakup might happen to a person, whether it is the first time or the 100th, whether you are the one who ended it or you were abandoned, for whatever reason, after whatever amount of time spent in that relationship, there is one universal fact, and that is – it is a change, one that more often than not comes very difficult to both and brings many hardships. (more…)

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Men and Body Image: It’s a Thing For Guys Too

Men in the Media and Body Image

The media is often charged for its portrayal of women and high standards of “perfection.” Same goes for men. If you’re not a smooth, witty talker with muscles and a touch of gray (or a casually messy ‘do, take your pick), well then, you just don’t measure up to what society’s looking for. (more…)

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Fake It To Make It: A Guy’s Guide to Becoming the Person You Want to Be

By the title alone, I sound a bit superficial (ya think?). Yet, case studies and conventional wisdom have shown, if you desire a certain trait, acting as if you already obtain that traint can propel you to actually own it. Even if you were an athlete in the Olympics, “tricking” your brain into doing as you wish it to, is an ultimate tool in getting what you tell it. (more…)

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