Health Goals Every Man Should Be Aiming For And Reaching

Health Goals Every Man Should Be Aiming For And Reaching

How are you doing on your goals this year?

While so many people aspire to achieve ambitious New Year’s resolutions for example, only about 8% of these people get to taste victory. They often do not reach their goals.

Sound bad? It is. In fact, another report declares that 80% of resolutions will fade away by the second week of February, so the odds are against you. (But you’re strong.)

The problem is, many people head into the New Year with lofty intentions: I’ll finally become
my own boss. I’m finally going to propose. I will be a better father. I’m going to hit the gym
every day. I will eat healthily. They are all great goals in theory!

Yet, these are the kinds of goals that often fizzle well before spring rolls around. Like… about now.

Men (and women) each year set goals. Yet, there are two groups among these goal-setters: The Action Takers and the Action Fakers. So, what separates the two? Simple. The action takers make smarter resolutions while the action fakers make common resolutions.

An action faker would say, “I’m going to propose this year.” While an action taker says, “I’m going to propose on the Valentine’s Day.”

Are you a goal “Action Taker” or “Action Faker”? Be honest.

It can basically be summed up by whether you make great New Year’s Resolutions and whether
you are or aren’t able to follow them through. Remember, resolutions are personal. Your father,
mother, brother, sister, or fried could not care less whether or not you keep your resolutions.
They are for self-improvement, and like all improvements, they are incremental.

Successful people don’t solely depend on their willpower—willpower is a muscle that gets
fatigued and we have limited supply. Success is based on strategic planning and auxiliary
systems that ensure you accomplish your goals.

In this article, we will show you how to break the vicious cycle once and for all, achieve your goals, and become a better man all around.

1. Make Health Checkups Habitual

Let’s face it; you can’t achieve all other New Year’s Resolutions if your year is clogged by
health and wellness issues. Taking control of your health means different things for different
people: one guy may need to quit smoking while another may require ramping up his physical
activity and shedding some weight may be the smartest step for another guy. But most
importantly, you need professional help in keeping your body at its best.

Reports show that only one in four conduct regular health checkups annually. It is said,
‘prevention is better than cure’— regular checkups will provide your doctor with a way to spot
and address health problems early on. Health examinations incorporate several tests including
physical examination and preventative screening to check your current health and risks; if any
issues are found your doctor will suggest a treatment plan.

Such checkups will include diabetes checks, body mass index (BMI) and obesity tests,
cholesterol level checks, prostate exams, and blood pressure tests, etc. Don’t just say “I’m going
to control my health this year.” Be an action taker and say, “I will make an appointment with my
doctor now.”

2. Get Fit

It’s easy to talk yourself out of your workout routine; even when you have the best intentions to
exercise, excuses are so easy to find. “I’m busy,” “I’m too tired,” “The Weather is bad.” But with
the right attitude, you can get into a fitness routine and actually stick to it.
Remember, most people lose focus in their fitness regimen because they think they can just go
from 0 to 100. It is important to just start small and get a plan that works for you. Maybe sneak a
quick run during lunch, or after work, or when you take your kid to football practice. The goal is
to start small and then keep going.

Exercise at least three days a week and stick and stay committed to it. This will not only help you
improve your physique but also your mental health. Swing your outlook from ‘couch potato’
mentality to reasoning like an athlete. This may come out as a big challenge, but it’s not a huge
leap as you may think.

3. Eat Healthily

As good as it is for you, most men don’t eat nearly half of the recommended type of fiber. Of the
recommended 30 grams a day, the average man consumes just about 12 grams, which tends to
work against your body. If you want to have a perfect body, stop concentrating much on losing
weight and concentrate on eating fiber every day. Nonetheless, picking one or two things to
focus on is much more realistic than changing your entire diet.

A smart goal would be “I’m going to eat a salad before every dinner and two fruits a day.”
On the other hand, a common resolution would be “I’m going to eat healthy this year.” Get the difference? Fruits are the best choice for most guys; eating naturally sweet foodstuff as dessert
will help eliminate cravings for unhealthy fast foods over time. Remember, to get the best result
from your daily food consumption, your diet doesn’t need to be intricate; it just needs to be

4. Be a Better Father and Husband

New Year presents you with a choice to be both a better husband and father to your family. Start
by showing more consideration for them by communicating with them more effectively. Be there
for them when it matters. Avoid as much as possible to miss your kids important sporting events
and birthdays. Don’t miss anniversaries or recitals either. Come home. Remember, you’re your
kids’ role model, be accountable for meeting the same standards that you set for them. Practice
what you preach.

When were you last spontaneous or romantic? When was the last time your partner out on a
date? Date your spouse. Show her affection and learn more ways to bring your family together.
Pick up those husbandry and fatherhood habits and watch your family transform this year. After
all, you are their king, right?

Bottom Line:
Pay the price of action and concentrate on things that matter most in your life. Avoid getting
suckered into the easy excuses that everyone else proclaims: “I want to have a life.” Yes, you do,
but your well-versed priorities should come first at all costs. This way, next year, you’ll not look back
disappointed at all things you failed to accomplish this year, and the cycle won’t repeat itself.

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