EMDR and Attachment Trauma
People that have attachment trauma might not even be aware that this is one of the main issues they are facing. Attachment trauma is more common than you might think…
Respect: Part 2 Respecting Yourself
Respect for Yourself, Things and Ideas, and Your Journey It Stаrtѕ wіth Respecting Yourself Rеѕресtіng уоurѕеlf mеаnѕ giving аnd dеfіnіng your own wоrth and value as a humаn being. Consequently,…
Kids These Days: Tykes, Technology and Therapy
Childhood has changed drastically over the past few decades. With the introduction of video games, social media, and all sorts of technology, the digital era had a huge impact on kids and their traditional pastimes. (more…)
Fake It To Make It: A Guy’s Guide to Becoming the Person You Want to Be
By the title alone, I sound a bit superficial (ya think?). Yet, case studies and conventional wisdom have shown, if you desire a certain trait, acting as if you already obtain that traint can propel you to actually own it. Even if you were an athlete in the Olympics, “tricking” your brain into doing as you wish it to, is an ultimate tool in getting what you tell it. (more…)
The Art of Color Therapy
Colors are all around us, both visible and invisible. While you’re probably aware that light can play a big influence over your mood, it can also play a role in your physical well-being. (more…)
The Neuroscience Behind Multitasking and Mindfulness