Types of Sexual Abuse and Where to Turn for Help

Sexual abuse is a topic pretty much no one wants to think about, let alone talk about, though it happens every single day. How many times on the news do you see a formerly respected individual hiding behind their hands, being led to a police car with a headline about suspected child pornography or molestation charges? Often. (more…)

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Scrolling, Scrolling, Scrolling : How to Stop the Cycle

Guilty As Charged : Addicted To Scrolling

You do it. I do it. You might even be doing it now. “Scrolling.” It’s a phenomenon that many of us have grown up with. When I was a kid, the Internet wasn’t yet commercially viable and when people called on the phone, you would have no choice but to (gasp!) answer without knowing who it was! The pressure! The (potentially) awkward conversation! Yes. The struggle was, as they say, “real.” (more…)

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