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Mindfulness Meditation for Men
Modern Man: Therapy as Part of Your Whole Health Plan
Modern Man. We’re an interesting breed at this point. Living somewhere half in the future with remnants of the past (we use computers for everything except for the main machine we use each day, our cars).
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Modern Man: Therapy as Part of Your Whole Health Plan
Fake It To Make It: A Guy’s Guide to Becoming the Person You Want to Be
By the title alone, I sound a bit superficial (ya think?). Yet, case studies and conventional wisdom have shown, if you desire a certain trait, acting as if you already obtain that traint can propel you to actually own it. Even if you were an athlete in the Olympics, “tricking” your brain into doing as you wish it to, is an ultimate tool in getting what you tell it. (more…)
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Fake It To Make It: A Guy’s Guide to Becoming the Person You Want to Be
The Silence of Men – How do Men Communicate in Relationships?
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The Silence of Men – How do Men Communicate in Relationships?
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
A common type of psychotherapy or mental health counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy can help to address a wide range of symptoms of mental illness, disorders, anxiety and depression.
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What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?