Attachment Styles: The Key to Forming Healthy Relationships

In our previous blog Attachment Styles and How We Relate to Otherswe talked about four main ways in which we tend to form our relationships and try to satisfy our emotional needs 

  • secure
  • preoccupied
  • fearful-avoidant
  • dismissing-avoidant


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The Cost v. Benefit Analysis: Is Counseling Worth the Cost (and how much is it?)

Dear Reader,

Okay, I know what you may be thinking. I hear it a lot. “I/my husband/my son/etc. need(s) therapy, but I need to know if I can afford it or not.” My answer to you is that counseling is absolutely priceless. (more…)

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Positive Psychology – Focus on What Works, Instead of What Doesn’t

We humans are hardwired to search for problems, for potential dangers. Such cognitive and behavioral arrangement came as an adaptation to the prehistoric times in which a man and his family were under frequent threat of being killed by carnivores, for example. (more…)

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