EMDR and Attachment Trauma
People that have attachment trauma might not even be aware that this is one of the main issues they are facing. Attachment trauma is more common than you might think…
Respect: Part 2 Respecting Yourself
Respect for Yourself, Things and Ideas, and Your Journey It Stаrtѕ wіth Respecting Yourself Rеѕресtіng уоurѕеlf mеаnѕ giving аnd dеfіnіng your own wоrth and value as a humаn being. Consequently,…
Difficult Bosses: A Man’s Survival Guide
The sheer nature of boss-employee relationship, regardless of how laid-back it might be, guarantees that there will be at least some friction and tension. The boss, in essence, needs you to do some work for them and has a spectrum of tools to use in getting what they want out of you. This will always cause strain, that’s just how it is. Work-related stress falls under the top five life pressures for the majority of working people. (more…)
Pets Can Help You With Mindfulness (And Loneliness)
You might be saying, “duh” right now that pets can help you with mindfulness and loneliness. Or, maybe the connection isn’t as clear to you yet. Have you owned a pet before? (more…)
What to Do When Your Family Changes
A friend of mine recently went home for the holidays to discover some members telling him that “there is no more Aunt Carrie.” He grew up with Aunt Carrie from birth. Aunt Carrie was at every family holiday, his graduation, his wedding, everything. (more…)
Attachment Styles and How We Relate to Others
You might already have noticed that many (if not all) of your significant romantic relationships tend to have something in common. (more…)
Nutrition for Mental Health: Guest Post from Aaron Mello of MoodFood Clinic
Men face some serious challenges when it comes to mental health. Men make up nearly 80% of suicide deaths and are less likely than women to seek help for problems like…
Everyone Looks So Happy on Social Media (And Other Lies)
You might as well stop reading this right now. Seriously. Go outside! Read a book! Anything’s better than scrolling, scrolling… well, you get the picture. (more…)
Modern Man: Therapy as Part of Your Whole Health Plan