EMDR and Attachment Trauma
People that have attachment trauma might not even be aware that this is one of the main issues they are facing. Attachment trauma is more common than you might think…
Suffering in Silence: Why It’s Hard for Men to Talk About Their Mental Health
Have you thought about why it's hard for men to talk about their mental health still in modern times? We all face different challenges in our lives. Whether these struggles…
Pets Can Help You With Mindfulness (And Loneliness)
You might be saying, “duh” right now that pets can help you with mindfulness and loneliness. Or, maybe the connection isn’t as clear to you yet. Have you owned a pet before? (more…)
Gauging Your Window of Tolerance
You have a space inside from which you are able to understand the world properly and react to everything that happens to you in a healthy way. Only from that space are you able to truly be yourself and connect with the people around you. That space is called the “Window of Tolerance.” (more…)
Nutrition for Mental Health: Guest Post from Aaron Mello of MoodFood Clinic
Men face some serious challenges when it comes to mental health. Men make up nearly 80% of suicide deaths and are less likely than women to seek help for problems like…
The Cost v. Benefit Analysis: Is Counseling Worth the Cost (and how much is it?)
Dear Reader,
Okay, I know what you may be thinking. I hear it a lot. “I/my husband/my son/etc. need(s) therapy, but I need to know if I can afford it or not.” My answer to you is that counseling is absolutely priceless. (more…)
Everyone Looks So Happy on Social Media (And Other Lies)
You might as well stop reading this right now. Seriously. Go outside! Read a book! Anything’s better than scrolling, scrolling… well, you get the picture. (more…)
Brain Power: How Athleticism Keeps You Sharp
Brain power is needed constantly to maintain our careers, family, relationships, and health. Exercise comes in so crucial to optimize cognitive function and decision making. And, we could use that pretty much every day we have to do something difficult, which is usually every day, so read on. (more…)
Moods That Change With The Seasons
We all know about the “winter blues.” We’re happier during the summer because we’re soaking up all of that vitamin D, but when winter comes around and vitamin D is diminished, many people feel a dip in their moods. (more…)