The Cost v. Benefit Analysis: Is Counseling Worth the Cost (and how much is it?)

Dear Reader,

Okay, I know what you may be thinking. I hear it a lot. “I/my husband/my son/etc. need(s) therapy, but I need to know if I can afford it or not.” My answer to you is that counseling is absolutely priceless. (more…)

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Yoga for Men | Overcoming Societal Hurdles and Practicing a Precious Tradition

Traditional Indian yogis are primarily men. Yet, in Western culture it still remains a “women’s thing.” Men are usually so strongly convinced that yoga belongs to the realms of femininity that they rarely even think about practicing it, let alone try it. Yoga for men? “Ha” some think. (more…)

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Positive Psychology – Focus on What Works, Instead of What Doesn’t

We humans are hardwired to search for problems, for potential dangers. Such cognitive and behavioral arrangement came as an adaptation to the prehistoric times in which a man and his family were under frequent threat of being killed by carnivores, for example. (more…)

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It Cannot Be the Same, But it Could Be Better – Communication After Having a Baby

Your life changes in a single moment, even though you had nine months to warm up for the new role. For first-time moms and dads, any amount of reading and hearing about what it’s like to become a parent cannot prepare you for what is to come. (more…)

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Types of Sexual Abuse and Where to Turn for Help

Sexual abuse is a topic pretty much no one wants to think about, let alone talk about, though it happens every single day. How many times on the news do you see a formerly respected individual hiding behind their hands, being led to a police car with a headline about suspected child pornography or molestation charges? Often. (more…)

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Men and Body Image: It’s a Thing For Guys Too

Men in the Media and Body Image

The media is often charged for its portrayal of women and high standards of “perfection.” Same goes for men. If you’re not a smooth, witty talker with muscles and a touch of gray (or a casually messy ‘do, take your pick), well then, you just don’t measure up to what society’s looking for. (more…)

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