The Cost v. Benefit Analysis: Is Counseling Worth the Cost (and how much is it?)

Dear Reader,

Okay, I know what you may be thinking. I hear it a lot. “I/my husband/my son/etc. need(s) therapy, but I need to know if I can afford it or not.” My answer to you is that counseling is absolutely priceless. (more…)

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Positive Psychology – Focus on What Works, Instead of What Doesn’t

We humans are hardwired to search for problems, for potential dangers. Such cognitive and behavioral arrangement came as an adaptation to the prehistoric times in which a man and his family were under frequent threat of being killed by carnivores, for example. (more…)

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Healing Old Wounds with EMDR: How to Live After, Not Just Survive Childhood Abuse

When we think of survivors of childhood abuse, and especially of sexual abuse in childhood, we often imagine than it had to be inconceivably difficult for them to endure such suffering, but now that they’re adults, they’re safe and well. We do recognize that they might have been affected by the horrible experience, but rarely think of them as constantly reliving the past abuse as it were happening right now, at this very moment, with the same horror and helplessness as then. But they do. (more…)

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May is National Mental Health Awareness Month

Dealing with an emotional issue right now?

Just look at this video from the late 1940’s first recognizing mental health legislation in America. The depictions of the “ill” patients goes to show that back then, mental illnesses were thought of as severe. We hadn’t yet recognized such “invisible” conditions as functioning depression or moderate anxiety on a broadly accepted basis. (more…)

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Disney’s Inside Out Shows Emotional Teamwork: Sadness and Joy

This film came out within the last few years, and if you haven’t seen it yet….do it.

Are you an adult? Still see it. Are you a guy who might feel weird getting caught watching a kid’s Disney movie? Watch it anyway. (more…)

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