Respect: Part 2 Respecting Yourself
Respect for Yourself, Things and Ideas, and Your Journey It Stаrtѕ wіth Respecting Yourself Rеѕресtіng уоurѕеlf mеаnѕ giving аnd dеfіnіng your own wоrth and value as a humаn being. Consequently,…
Respect for Yourself, Things and Ideas, and Your Journey It Stаrtѕ wіth Respecting Yourself Rеѕресtіng уоurѕеlf mеаnѕ giving аnd dеfіnіng your own wоrth and value as a humаn being. Consequently,…
In our previous blog “Attachment Styles and How We Relate to Others” we talked about four main ways in which we tend to form our relationships and try to satisfy our emotional needs
Men face some serious challenges when it comes to mental health. Men make up nearly 80% of suicide deaths and are less likely than women to seek help for problems like…
You might as well stop reading this right now. Seriously. Go outside! Read a book! Anything’s better than scrolling, scrolling… well, you get the picture. (more…)
We humans are hardwired to search for problems, for potential dangers. Such cognitive and behavioral arrangement came as an adaptation to the prehistoric times in which a man and his family were under frequent threat of being killed by carnivores, for example. (more…)
The media is often charged for its portrayal of women and high standards of “perfection.” Same goes for men. If you’re not a smooth, witty talker with muscles and a touch of gray (or a casually messy ‘do, take your pick), well then, you just don’t measure up to what society’s looking for. (more…)
According to recent studies, one in four men under 40 years old experiences erectile dysfunction. The causes range from physical to psychological, but this is the first time that such a high number of younger men are dealing with ED. (more…)
If you’re like most guys, eating is a no-brainer. Get the most delicious thing you can find in the easiest proximity to you. Proceed to enjoy. (more…)