Respect: Part 1 (Respecting Others)
What Exасtlу is Respect? It’ѕ thе ѕеnѕе of wоrth оr personal vаluе thаt уоu аttасh to ѕоmеоnе or something or some idea. And it is a sense of internal reflection…
Difficult Bosses: A Man’s Survival Guide
The sheer nature of boss-employee relationship, regardless of how laid-back it might be, guarantees that there will be at least some friction and tension. The boss, in essence, needs you to do some work for them and has a spectrum of tools to use in getting what they want out of you. This will always cause strain, that’s just how it is. Work-related stress falls under the top five life pressures for the majority of working people. (more…)
Pets Can Help You With Mindfulness (And Loneliness)
You might be saying, “duh” right now that pets can help you with mindfulness and loneliness. Or, maybe the connection isn’t as clear to you yet. Have you owned a pet before? (more…)
Going With the Flow: Seeing Things From The Other’s Point of View
When you have been hurt by a family member or loved one, you can truly heal by seeing their point of view. “But they are wrong!” you might say to yourself. Or you might scream silently: “I am F-ing RIGHT!!.” (more…)
Attachment Styles: The Key to Forming Healthy Relationships
In our previous blog “Attachment Styles and How We Relate to Others” we talked about four main ways in which we tend to form our relationships and try to satisfy our emotional needs
- secure
- preoccupied
- fearful-avoidant
- dismissing-avoidant
Everyone Looks So Happy on Social Media (And Other Lies)
You might as well stop reading this right now. Seriously. Go outside! Read a book! Anything’s better than scrolling, scrolling… well, you get the picture. (more…)
Study Suggests Pets Favored More Than Siblings
You might refer to your pet as your “fur kid,” but have you ever thought about the relationship between your pet and your actual kids? New research from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge suggests that the relationships between children and pets are far more important than previously thought. (more…)
Moods That Change With The Seasons
We all know about the “winter blues.” We’re happier during the summer because we’re soaking up all of that vitamin D, but when winter comes around and vitamin D is diminished, many people feel a dip in their moods. (more…)
A Look at Men and Friendship
They say if by the end of your life, if you can count your good friends on one hand, you are truly a lucky man. How many can you count? Have you noticed that as you grow older and age, your friends have started disappearing as regulars in your life? (more…)